(+4) 0374 900 200

Enterprise Software Development

  • End-to-end custom-built


Our integration solutions create the necessary networking and orchestration in your system landscape and increase the consistency of your processes.
We develop strategies, fast prototypes and productive systems in our mission to accelerate your digital transformation journey.


Our competencies and microservices expertise ensure a complete solution for all business requirements:

  • Cloud Services & Solutions
  • Microservices architecture & design
  • Reactive & non-blocking design (server-side)
  • Containerisation and Autoscaling services
  • Rest API’s Design
  • Web-based services for B2B applications
  • Interoperability protocols (HTTP, AMQP, MQTT, CoAP)
  • Secure communication, authentication (Oauth2, OpenIdConnect, Single Sign-on)

Our technology stack includes the newest technologies such as:

Java 8 & 9 , Spring 5, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Jax-RS, CDI, JPA, JTA, Reactive Streams, ElasticSearch, RabbitMQ, Kafka, Docker, Kubernetes, Swagger / Open Api, Wildfly / Undertow, Payara Micro, NodeJS, ELK stack (ELK stands for Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) to index and analyze logs.

Our Java experts provide enterprise-oriented services to help companies in their planning and management activities. For such projects, we always ensure that the technology is aligned with the clients’ business goals despite the size and nature of an organization.

Accelerate your digital transformation journey