(+4) 0374 900 200

Web Development

  • We blend passion and technology



Our front-end development technology stack is powered up with the latest technologies, as we are always open to adopting new trends, which can bring better results for your product.
Our roadmap to success in delivering custom web application development services includes first understanding your business objectives, working closely with you to define project requirements, creating the architecture and UX, then delivering quality code for your project using an Agile framework.

We offer fully integrated, functional solutions such as:

• Responsive web design
• Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
• Single Page Applications (SPAs)

Our technology stack includes the newest technologies such as:

JavaScript (Typescript, CoffeScript), React, Preact, Angular 8, AngularJS, Ember.js, jQuery, Ionic, React Native, CSS (SASS, LESS), Bootstrap, Material Design, NodeJS, PHP (Zend Framework, Kohana, CakePHP, Magento, Yii, Laravel, CodeIgniter), JSON, XML, XSL, XSD, YML; for DevOps: Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins; for QA: testNG, Selenium (JAVA), Postman, jMeter.

We have extensive experience in custom JavaScript development, including the most widely used JavaScript frameworks—Angular, React, and Vue.js—but we’re ready and able to use any frontend tool you require. There’s nothing our frontend developers and Product Design team can’t build for you.

Do you have an idea in mind? Let us turn it into a great product